這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Epic Bootstrap Buttons


Epic Bootstrap Buttons WordPress Plugin

  • Add Bootstrap Buttons to any theme
  • Custom buttons using ColorPicker
  • Easy to use jQuery button creator
  • Shortcodes created only the fly as you style your buttons
  • Simple copy and paste

Bootstrap buttons anywhere

The Epic Bootstrap Buttons WordPress plugin allows you to add bootstrap buttons to any theme and use the awesome buttons easily. No more messing around with adding in CSS buttons to your theme or using button generators. The buttons created from this plugin use the Bootstrap core components and add on extra functionality.

Custom Colors for your buttons

The plugin has color pickers for your buttons – you can control the exact colors of your buttons and have any color you like. You\’re not limited to one or two custom classes. Be as creative (or garish) as you like PRO only

jQuery shortcode generator

The plugin admin page lets you easily create you bootstrap buttons and gives you a preview of the button plus the extact shortcode to paste into a post, page or widget area


Installing Epic Bootstrap in 5 steps

It’s very quick and easy to install the Epic Bootstrap WordPress Plugin, simply follow these 5 steps:

  1. Unzip your download and put the zip folder somewhere memorable

  2. Upload the zip folder into your WordPress plugins folder

  3. Once fully uploaded you will see the Epic Bootstrap plugin on your plugin’s screen, click “Activate” under its title.

  4. After activating the plugin a new menu item will be added to your side bar. Clicking “Epic Bootstrap” from your side bar will let you configure the plugin.

  5. That\’s it. You\’re ready to go!

Installation Problems

If you have any problems installing our plugin please do read this great guide from WordPress


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v1.0 initial release