這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Entries on page x


Generates a link back to the archive page the current entry is on. Makes it easier for users to retrieve the chronology of a blog.

Examples (without function):

Live demo:
See description at decaf.de/entries-on-page-x/

Plugin needs <?php if (function_exists('archive_page_link')) { archive_page_link(); } ?> in your templates. See installation details.

Plugin works in several languages right now, see notes.

Localization (L10n)

Available languages at this time:

  • English
  • German/Deutsch
  • Turkish/Türkçe (by courtesy of DJ N-Gin)
  • Polski (by courtesy of Jeena Paradies)
  • Swedish/Svenska (by courtesy of Jeena Paradies)
  • Bulgarian/Български (by courtesy of Bellerophon)
  • Chinese/ 中文 (by courtesy of Johanna and 孔晶 Kong Jing)
  • French/Français (by courtesy of Patrick Andrieu)
  • Spanish/Español (by courtesy of Stonie)
  • Russian/Русский (by courtesy of dedlfix)
  • Italian/Italiano (by courtesy of at)
  • Belarusian/Беларуская (by courtesy of FatCow)
  • Ukrainian/Українська (by courtesy of ghost)

If you localize the plugin, we would be glad to know — Thanks a lot!


Structure of the HTML code is like that:

<span class="entriesonpagex"><a href=".."><strong>Entries on page <span class="page">3</span></strong></a> of category »<strong>Foobar</strong>«</span>

Make use of these CSS classes if you want to set up individual styles:

.entriesonpagex { }
.entriesonpagex strong { }
.entriesonpagex a { }
.entriesonpagex a strong { }
.entriesonpagex a strong .page { }

HTML of your article template should contain the post ID if you like ‘Entries on page x’ to refer not only to a page with posts but to the post itself:

<div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" class="post"><h1>Post title..<h3>Cookies</h3>

The plugin makes use of cookies in order to save the refering page that leads to a single entry. If cookies aren’t accepted, the plugin generates default archive links apart from category, tag, author and date.


  1. Upload the entries-on-page-x folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Place <?php if (function_exists('archive_page_link')) { archive_page_link(); } ?> in your templates.
  4. HTML of your article template should contain the post ID (id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>) if you like ‘Entries on page x’ to refer not only to a page with posts but to the post itself.


Is the plugin compatible with ‘WP Cache’ and ‘WP Super Cache’?

Technically, it is. But as it wouldn’t be meaningful (with static HTML files not even possible) to let cached pages serve the dynamic archive link, ‘Entries on page x’ detects these plugins and serves a) a basic link to page x without category, tag, author oder date if you run ‘WP Cache’ or ‘WP Super Cache’ in legacy caching mode (»Half on« setting), or b) a link to the blog’s home page only if you run ‘WP Super Cache’ in full mode.

If you use ‘Super cache’ mode permanently, is doesn’t make sense to run the ‘Entries on page x’ plugin. But if you activate ‘Super cache’ only at high server loads, you can use ‘Entries on page x’ and don’t have to worry about broken links.

Is the plugin compatible with ‘DB Cache’ and ‘Hyper Cache’?

Yes, it is. (It is supposed to be.)


There are no reviews for this plugin.


“Entries on page x” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Entries on page x 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


1.3.4 (1/5/2010)

  • Fixed language files (due to relative paths vs. full paths behaviour in WP 2.9 core)

1.3.3 (1/3/2010)

  • Ukrainian/Українська language added

1.3.2 (8/11/2009)

  • Belarusian/Беларуская language added

1.3.1 (6/5/2009)

  • bugfix with categories

1.3 (4/24/2009)

  • add_action conditional + cache plugins compatibility

1.2 (3/6/2009)

  • major bugfixing concerning category links and permalink settings