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Email Marketing Integration Adv


Integrate 4Dem.it with wordpress and woocommerce. Subscribe/Synchonize users with your 4Dem list using Single opt-in/Double opt-in email.
The plugin is relying on a 3rd party service for track users’persistent data:
service website: https://www.4dem.it/
service api documentation: https://api.4dem.it/
terms of use and privacy policies: https://www.4dem.it/privacy-spam-policy/

Key Features

  • Easy to use
  • Single opt-in – no confirmation email send to subscribers
  • Double opt-in – confirmation email send to subscribers
  • Synchronize with you 4dem mail list
  • Latest 4Dem.it API V2.0
  • Constantly updated


  1. Create 4Dem an account here https://mailchef.4dem.it/user/signin/
  2. Create Api-Key, here a complete guide https://developers.4dem.it/article/590-come-creare-una-lista-tramite-api
  3. Install this wordpress plugin
  4. Go to the plugin interface and, and fill the input with your apiKey
  5. Fill the Api console field to connect with our API: https://api.4dem.it


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