Easy Voice Mail


Easy Voice mail Provides a simpler, more efficient way for your clients to contact you and express their needs via voice mail.
This plugin provides an easy way to enable your clients to contact you by sending you a voice mail, all they will need to do is to hit the record button and save the message once they are done.
* The plugin provides a clean and comfortable user interface to review and manage the voice messages.
* The plugin provides a configuration panel that enables you to limit the message duration and set a custom message for users, displayed in the clients side.
* The plugin will enable (request using) microphone only during recording.
* Easy to install and set, 2 steps only, no registration, SignUp or third party services are required.
* We care about privacy, all messages are stored in the website, the plugin does not use any third party for storage or library that can track you or your clients.
* Works on most current desktop and mobile web browsers.
* Direct links to download recoreded files to computer or phone.
* Notification by email.

Important: Due to security limitations, the web browser will not allow the usage of the microphone in non-https connection, which means that the plugin will only work on websites where https connection is enabled.


  1. Download the plugin and click activate.
  2. Put [easy_voice_mail] where the plugin should be displayed for your clients (ex: in a post or a page).

To access the messages, login as admin and go to Tools -> Easy Voice Mail


Why the plugin works only on https ?

Most browsers prohibit the usage of microphone/camera for non https connection.

Where my messages are stored and should I worry about the privacy of conversation ?

You don’t have to worry about the privacy, the plugin does not use any third party software or library and all messages are stored in your wordpress site.

Why it does not work on some Apple devices ?

Some Apple devices do not allow and do not support recording audio from microphone in a web page.


Thanks a lot for making this great plugin. It hurts me to complain about a free plugin that works effortlessly like this one, but… why the audio format is .webm? I can’t upload it back to WordPress… “I need to transform it to mp3 so the uploader”not an accepted format” according the WP uploader ;(
What a great plugin and does what it says on the tin!


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