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Easy Ajax MailChimp


This plugin will enable Ajax MailChimp subscription in your wordpress theme. You can embed ajax mailchimp via shortcode in everywhere you want, even in theme files.

Wanna see how it works? Click here: http://prowpexpert.com/ajax-mail-subscription-demo/

Our More plugin:
Jeba cute slider: http://prowpexpert.com/jeba-cute-slider/

Jeba upcoming plugin:
Jeba cute portfolio plugin: http://prowpexpert.com/jeba-cute-portfolio
Jeba cute toggle & Accordion: http://prowpexpert.com/jeba-cute-tab


  • Installed in demo server.
  • Another demo.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload plugin-directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Use shortcode in page, post or in widgets.
  4. If you want ajax mailchimp subscription in your theme php, Place <?php echo do_shortcode('[ajaxmailchimp uri=""]'); ?> in your templates


Use ajaxmailchimp shortcode

[ajaxmailchimp uri=""]

Use ajaxmailchimp shortcode with title

[ajaxmailchimp uri="" title=""]


Where can I find my uri key?

From your MailChimp to click Lists page > your list > Signup forms > Embedded Forms in classic mode or default mode go Copy/paste onto your site. From ‘copy/paste onto your site’ code you get see function mce_init_form() function and on this function you get a link like http://yourdomain.us8.list-manage2.com/subscribe/post-json?u=f31f34b5935e4370073e8b907&id=23e868fa2a&c=? . In this uri must have “post-json?u=” after subscribe and must have “&c=?” end of the link. It is need to be used as uri . Basically it is modified from form action used 2 with list-manage, used -json with post, used amp; with apikey& and used &c=? end of form action link, and also form method must be get instead of post.

Previous form action :


form action=”http://xxxxx.us2#.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=xxxxx&id=xxxx” method=”post” … >
After change now look like:


form action=”http://xxxxx.us2#.list-manage.com/subscribe/post-json?u=xxxxx&id=xxxx&c=?” method=”get” … >


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  • Initial Release