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Easy ACF Connect For Themer



Easily connect ACF fields in Beaver Themer. No need to remember the fieldnames, easily select from the dropdown. It returns all fieldnames, across all fieldgroups.

Easy ACF Connect for Themer also supports ACF Fields on the current post, another post, user_id, tax_termid or even from your ACF Options pages.

Select the Easy ACF Connector… Then simply select the fieldname.

Using the Conditional Logic filter

Easy ACF Connect for Themer also supports adding conditional rules using ACF Fields on the current post or from your ACF Options pages. For that select either “Easy ACF Field” or “Easy ACF Option Field”.

Supported fieldtypes:

  • color-picker
  • date-picker
  • date-time-picker
  • email
  • file
  • flexible content
  • gallery
  • group
  • image (array, url or image ID)
  • link
  • message
  • number
  • page link
  • password
  • post object
  • checkbox
  • radio
  • range
  • relationship
  • repeater
  • taxonomy
  • select
  • text
  • textarea
  • time_picker
  • true_false
  • url
  • user
  • wysiwyg

Please note that field support means that it will return the ACF-value as a variable (object, array, string or number). It’s up to the module to handle the returned variable.

Adding support for more fieldtypes in list

If you use any third party or custom fieldtypes for ACF ( which can be found on https://awesomeacf.com ) you can add those using a filter in your function.php:

add_filter( 'easy_acf_accepted_acf_field_types' , 'my_custom_add_acf_field_types' );

 * Callback that adds one or more fieldtypes to the the easy_acf_accepted_field_types filter
 * @param  {array} $fieldtypes array with name->value, label->value pairs
 * @return {array}
 * @since 1.0.0
function my_custom_add_acf_fieldtypes( $fieldtypes ) {
    $new_fieldtypes =  array(
            array( 'name' => 'custom_fieldtype'         , 'label' => 'Custom Field Type' ),

    $fieldtypes = array_merge( $fieldtypes , $new_fieldtypes );
    return $fieldtypes;

Conditional Rules for 3rd party fieldtypes

There is currently no support or way to extend for 3rd party fieldtypes using the conditional rules. This means that you won’t be able to pick fieldtypes based on the type. Use the conditional rules provided by Beaver Themer instead, but you will need to enter the fieldname manually.

version history:


bugfix: added permission_callback to rest request


added checkbox fieldtype to Beaver Builder conditional rules, it was missing.


added all remaining fieldtypes (flexible content, group, repeater, page link, post object, relationship, taxonomy, user)


added Conditional Logic settings


added image-size on image fields, tweaked the code, changed way to test for acf 4/5, fixed save_format/return_format for acf 4/5, added textdomain and .pot file


image and gallery field support



Themer shortcode’s ACF support is limited to some fields, this plugin largely extends the supports to many ACF fields. For instance, it allows to output an ACF Color Picker field with a Themer shortcode, which Themer can’t do out of the box. Well done!
Thank you for this plugin! It’s quite a time saver and is super useful to me as I am the king of typos! Seems like a no-brainer that this would be in the core of themer.
Thanks Didou for this great add-on. But in my opinion this should be in the core of Themer. I asked the BB guys a couple of times, until now they did not. So thanks, this one will for sure help many of us.


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