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Data Visualizer


Want to visualize data in seconds, Please use this plugin. You can visualize data through a simple shortcode on a button click e.x [visualize type=’barchart’ file=’http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/datafile1.csv’ theme=’blue’ title=’My chart Title’ width=”900″ height=”600″].

Supported Types are
1. grid
2. barchart
3. linechart
4. line with view finder
5. donut
6. piechart
7. area
8. area-spline
9. spline
10. scatter
11. map


  1. Upload data-visualizer to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place [visualize type="" file="" width="" height=""] shortcode with in your post to view the visualization. For more information please go through the FAQ bellow.


How can I visualize my data?

To visualize your data you need to have the dataset ready in csv format. Upload the csv file using Media option of your wordpress site or blog. You need to use shortcode [visualize] in your post or page which makes your chart ready at the page view.
What are the attributes of the shortcode?

The short code takes the following arguments to generate the visualization

type => Allowed values: map, barchart, linechart, piechart, radarchart, doughnutchart, polarareachart | required
file => Allowed values: Fully Qualified URL of the csv file which need to be visualized | required
theme => Allowed values: blue, red, yellow, dark, green | default value is "blue" used for the color scheme | Optional
title => Allowed Values: Title of the Visualization you need to show | Optional

Example use of Shortcode: [visualize type=’barchart’ file=’put the url of the csv file here’ theme=’blue’ title=’My chart Title’]
What will be the stracture of the csv file?

The csv file need to follow the following guidelines
  • First Row of the csv should contain the Label of each column
    • First Column should contain the data for x-axis in case of Charts and State/Country name for Map
Which external libraries are used?

This plugin uses the following external libraries

* jvectormap https://github.com/bjornd/jvectormap
* c3js https://github.com/masayuki0812/c3
Where can I see the Live Demo of the plugin?

You can see the plugin working at http://subhransusekhar.com

What are the contact details for support?

You can mail me at subhransu[at]pietaslabs[dot]com or subhransu.sm[at]gmail[dot]com.




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