Cybershield Firewall


Experience effective web security with CyberShield, the advanced Web Application Firewall (WAF) from Securas Technologies, designed to actively protect your digital assets from emerging threats and cyberattacks.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Dashboard: Easily navigate through the firewall features. CyberShield gathers all the data from your security features on one dashboard, enabling a quick check on your website’s security posture.
  • Advanced Statistics: Measure and improve your cybersecurity performance with comprehensive statistics.
  • PHP Configuration Audit: Enhances your PHP settings including error reporting, file permissions, session management, and encryption to prevent common vulnerabilities.
  • At-risk Visitor Identification: Prevent cyberattacks with our advanced detection and prevention system that identifies at-risk visitors.
  • SQL Injection Protection: Our AI-powered detection scans and sanitizes every query that reaches your database to prevent SQL injection attacks.
  • Bot Detection: Conserve bandwidth and resources by filtering out harmful or irrelevant bots, including scrapers, spammers, and crawlers.
  • IP Auto-Ban: Automatically ban IPs that exhibit suspicious activity, helping to keep your website secure with minimal downtime.
  • Exposed Services Monitoring: Identify and report any network services that are publicly accessible and may be vulnerable to exploitation.
  • Leaked Data Monitoring: Continuously scan various sources to detect if your credentials have been compromised, ensuring rapid response to secure your accounts.
  • More Features: Explore additional capabilities on our CyberShield Official Page.
  • IP Geolocation: Identify the location of your visitors and block or allow access based on their location using

[0.1.6] – 2024-10-25

Minor Bug Fix

[0.1.5] – 2024-10-25

Minor Bug Fix

[0.1.4] – 2024-10-25

Minor Bug Fix

[0.1.3] – 2024-10-25

Minor Bug Fix

[0.1.2] – 2024-10-25

Minor Bug Fix

[0.1.1] – 2023-08-27

Minor Bug Fix

[0.1.0] – 2023-08-27


  • Service Check Module: Enhances monitoring and diagnostics.
  • AI Threat Detection Module: Specializes in detecting SQL injection attacks.
  • Support Ticketing System: Streamlined helpdesk for better user assistance.
  • Multi-Language Support: Now available in French, English, and Arabic.
  • Client PHPinfo Fetching Function: Gathers configuration information for support purposes.

Thrid Party Libraries

Got more questions? Contact us!


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