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CSS Margin & Padding Utility


This utility plugin adds a series of css classes that allow easy addition of set padding and margin to any element.

For basic use, the classes follow the format of [margin / padding][location letter: all, top, right, bottom, left, vertical, horizontal][amount: none, small, medium, large, extra large (0.5em, 1em, 2em, 4em)]

Also in the basic classes are percentages, taking the place of the last letter in the format [p][percentage] e.g. p7-5 for 7.5% or p15 for 15%.

Examples of Basic Classes:

  • man > margin all none = margin: 0px;
  • prl > padding right large = padding-right: 2em;
  • mvp5 > margin vertical 5% = margin: 5% 0;

Additional utility classes – First / Last child, Child / Sub

To add selective classes for adding margin / padding to the first / last child, any child, or any sub-element of the required element, simply add ‘last-‘, ‘first-‘, ‘child-‘, or ‘sub-‘ to the beginning of the basic classes.

Examples of Child Classes

  • last-mhxl > last-child margin horizontal extra large = last-mhxl :last-child { margin: 0 4em; }
  • last-pbn > last-child padding bottom none = last-pbn :last-child { padding-bottom: 0; }
  • first-mtm > first-child margin top medium = first-mtm :first-child { margin-top: 2em; }
  • child-mal > child margin all large = child-mal > * { margin: 4em; }
  • sub-php5 > sub elements padding horizontal 5 percent = sub-php5 * { padding: 0 5%; }

Additional utility classes – Responsive margin / padding

You can also apply the margin / padding required to certain screen widths, ranging from xl (min: 1200px) to xs (max: 480px). To use these responsive classes, add -[screen-size] to the end of the basic classes.

Examples of Responsive Classes

  • mrm-lg > margin right medium, large screen = (max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 980px) margin-right: 2em;
  • pas-xs > padding all small, xsmall screen = (max-width: 480px) padding: 0.5em;
  • mhp15-md > margin horizontal 15%, medium screen = (max-width: 979px) and (min-width: 768px) margin-left: 15%; margin-right: 15%;

Full Table of Options

[margin / padding]
m = margin
p = padding

a = all
t = top
r = right
b = bottom
l = left
v = vertical (top + bottom)
h = horizontal (left + right)

s = small (0.5em)
m = medium (1.0em)
l = large (2.0em)
xl = extra large (4.0em)
p5 = 5 percent (5.0%)
p7-5 = 7.5 percent (7.5%)
p10 = 10 percent (10.0%)
p12-5 = 12.5 percent (12.5%)
p15 = 15 percent (15.0%)

[first / last] (prefix)
first- = > :first-child
last- = > :last-child

[child / sub] (prefix)
child- = > *
sub- = *

[screen-size] (suffix)
-xs = max-width: 480px
-sm = max-width: 767px and min-width: 481px
-md = max-width: 979px and min-width: 768px
-lg = max-width: 1199px and min-width: 980px
-xl = min-width: 1200px

Additional utility classes – Boxshadow

Using the boxshadow utility classes, you can quickly add a boxshadow to divs and other elements. The format of the utility classes is as follows: shadowout-[direction][blur]-[shadow opacity].

Examples of Boxshadow

  • shadowout-nm-medium > no direction, medium blur, medium opacity = box-shadow: 0 0 .15em 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.27);
  • shadowout-brm-dark > bottom-right direction, medium blur, dark opacity = box-shadow: .15em .15em .3em 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.54);

Options for Boxshadow utility

all directions shift the shadow by .15em
n = none
t = top
b = bottom
l = left
r = right
tl = top-left
tr = top-right
bl = bottom-left
br = bottom-right

s = small (.15em)
m = medium (.3em)
l = large (.6em)

[shadow opacity]
-light = light (0.135 opacity)
-medium = medium (0.27 opacity)
-dark = dark (0.54 opacity)



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the classes (examples given above) to easily and quickly add padding and margin to any element.


Installation Instructions


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the classes (examples given above) to easily and quickly add padding and margin to any element.


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  • Fixed: Bug with responsive utility; xs and xl not working due to syntax error.


  • Extensive use of scss to clean up css files and compile down to one css include for all margin and padding utils

  • Addition of child- and sub- selectors for margin and padding util

  • Bugfix: changing implementation of first- and last- to only affect immediate descendants


  • Updating readme with further instructions and guides

  • Fixing override issue with responsive margin and padding


  • Cleaning up of code and files


  • Use of SCSS to generate the necessary CSS files

  • Addition of flexbox util


  • Addition of :first-child and :last-child selectors

  • Addition of responsive classes

  • Extra boxshadow util


  • Basic Classes