Custom Text Formats


Custom Text Formats lets you add custom text formats to the Gutenberg Editor. Register a new format by adding a class to a chosen tag and add a format icon. There are several to choose from but you can also add your own. You can set the format as a regular selection wrap but you can also render out content in a single block, like an icon or other text or html content. Then add css styling to the class to control the behavior of the text format. You can use different css for backend and frontend.

Not for the code allergic

This plugin requires basic css and html skills so if you are allergic to code, this plugin is not for you.

Suggestions and opinions

If you like this plugin, I would be really happy if you would rate and review it! If you don’t like it and/or have ideas and suggestions for improvement, please let me know in the support forum.


  • Example of a preamble text format.
  • The preamble text format in editor view.
  • Example of a yellow marker text format.
  • The yellow marker text format in editor view.
  • Example of a Award Icon text format. This is an example of a single content format. Instead of wrapping a text selection, you just place the cursor where you want the content and click the format button, and the content, in this case an award icon, will be placed at thecursor position.
  • The award icon text format in editor view.


it’s a good plugin but I have to give up using it because it also loads jquery on the frontend of my site and I absolutely don’t want it. Couldn’t it be avoided? Also because I don’t think it’s necessary for the frontend
So simple and powerful. Allows editors to quickly add custom styling to any text element using a user-friendly dropdown in Gutenberg, something which should really be in Gutenberg by default. Was having issues with it not styling on the admin side, so knocked a star off for that. One other thing I noticed was that it isn’t discovered by WPCore Plugin Manager which I use to keep plugins synced across development environments. All my other active plugins are discovered, so maybe something needs tweaked to make this work. Apart from that it’s totally amazing, thanks Ola! Feature request: would be nice to be able to add a style format to other elements apart from text. I find that sometimes editors want to style a group or other container element.
I agree with the previous reviewer…really a hidden gem! I had to search through many pages of search engine results before I found it. I had been delaying moving over 100% to the Block Editor on one of my sites because of the many custom formats I had created for the non-technical user. I’d used PHP and the Advanced TinyMCE plugin to add the formats to the editor, but they were only accessible via the Classic editor and Classic blocks. We’ve been slowly switching posts to the Block editor and converting Classic blocks. I was able to replace some of the custom formats with reusable Patterns. But inline formats posed a problem. I did not look forward to manually updating every instance or having to train the user how to add CSS classes via the HTML view. This plugin solves this problem for me, and I am very grateful! It is simple, easy to use, and just works. You’ve made my life a little bit easier. Thank you for making this available!
This simple feature plugin allows me to set complex styling up for non-technical users to easily use. This is one of those plugins I consider a “hidden gem.”


“Custom Text Formats” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


Custom Text Formats 外掛目前已有 2 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 Custom Text Formats 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


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  • Fixed custom icons bug – Thanks darri
  • Minor descriptive text changes