

This plugin has been closed as of 2022年9月28日 and is not available for download. 原因:安全性問題。


A really clever plugin that utilizes WordPress’s built-in comments per page, and gives you flexibility and control over how and where the comments can be implemented with a simple shortcode.
Very good and handy tool to have guestbook-comments well organised and separated from blog comments. It fits my site very well. It just seems as if the author has abandoned/orphaned the the tool. That would be a pity. @mibuthu: it would be nice to have some sign of life or indication whether you will maintain the guestbook (WP version upgrade or so). Thnx.
2016年9月3日 1 reply
This is exactly what I need! Simple, no questionable/site conflicting designs, no function conflicts with my billion other plugins. I have 8 sites, lots of plugins – on 2 MultiSites. I don’t network activate plugins as a rule. I had already created some guestbooks with other plugins to have comments on my sites restricted to one page…with varying results, ugly or odd, no threads, etc. Because this plugin integrates into WP comments, I don’t have to disable comments or other plugins, or configure guestbooks and log-in methods. It is simply a part of the site function, with flexible features. I use Super Socializer for comment log-in – I don’t want spam, users have no reason to register – I don’t do anything with it. Comment Guestbook works without any special configuration in the site admin or settings with Super Socializer. It’s fantastic! Thank you for a great plugin! Your hard work is greatly appreciated. Cheers!
Hi, i tried the anti spam catcha you suggested, it dodnt work for me, issue with that plugin. so i thought i’d ask, how else could i include a simple catcha to your plugin / comment guest book. could i use ‘Really Simple CAPTCHA’ and how could i apply it? thank you. joan
Exactly what i needed, simple and customizable. Great plug-in Thanks!
Good, but you have to fix some form double visibility on WP 4.0. The settings don’t affect the visualization.


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