這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Clone Woo Orders – Free by WP Masters


Clone, duplicate or repeat your WooCommerce orders in one click.

It saves your time – no need to put address and products data manually. You just clone it.

Also perfect for developers: to make a lot of orders quickly.

Popular use cases

  • Client calls you by phone and ask to repeat his order
  • You need to create order manually for existing customer
  • You are developer who needs a lot of orders for testing

How to use it

  • Install and activate plugin
  • After activation you will find a new “Clone” button in WP Admin > WooCommerce > Orders page within the order actions column
  • Click on that button and you will get a copy of order. It will be in “Pending Payment status”.
  • You will be redirected to a new order with customer data and products already inside.


  • If you don’t see the Actions column on the right side of WooCommerce Orders list, please click Screen Options at the top right of the page.

WordPress Plugins by WP Masters


Clone Order, Duplicate Order, Copy Order, Clone, Duplicate, Woo, Manual Order, Repeat Order


  • Clone buttons in the Orders list
  • New option – to clone order as draft


This plugin creates a fatal error when WooCommerce “High Performance Order Storage” is enabled. Woo has been sounding the alarm about this upgrade for a very long time, and users have been requesting this plugin be updated for almost six months. I have posted a stacktrace of the error as well as a link to a Woo developer guide meant specifically for fixing this error, but there has been no reply to any of the posts in that thread. This plugin is essentially defunct.
Too many things don’t get included in the clone, and the app hasn’t been updated for 10 months. Installed and immediately uninstalled.
I found this plugin useful. But I need 2 improvements:1) To create shipment label I should fill some fields manually, so not all pieces of order are copied.2) When the order duplicated there is no event “order.created” and so I do not get information about new order in my crm-system.
This plugin clone orders, but it should create new order from existing order, and it doesn’t so it’s useless. After cloning there is button “Update” so it’s not new order, there should be button “Create” after that. Without it, a new order doesn’t appear in customer dashboard.


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  • Implementing two feature requests: for Draft Status and dropdown list of actions.


  • Woo Notice Fix


  • Description and screenshots update


  • Initial version