

This plugin has been closed as of 2024年12月5日 and is not available for download. 原因:安全性問題。


I’m very satisfied with ClickSend’s services and their team has proved to be an unbeatable combination. Mark Pidor, Chris, Christian, Darlene and the rest of their staff have been incredibly helpful and responsive. They have always responded to my queries in a timely manner.
2018年5月28日 2 replies
Plugin not compatible with WP Bakery Visual Composer or Beaver Builder because of bug. Contacted Clicksend 6 months ago, “developers… tried to find a solution for this previously but were unable to.” Disappointing; at current state the plugin is unable to be used. Their sales team are lovely and responsive, but development team is inadequately resourced. Just a warning for those looking for an SMS service in case you run into any issues with the plugin too. No Changelog so not sure about what issues the occasional updates address.
2017年6月23日 1 reply
This is a great plugin that allows us to capture leads on our website and feed them into the system.


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