Earn money for your content using instant Bitcoin Cash tips (0 conf).
Advantages & Features:
- earn tips from your content
- add tip buttons for voluntary donations or
- hide parts of your posts to require users to tip
- AdBlock detection: show custom message to AdBlock users
- 0 coding skills required
Check the demo at CashTippr.com and send me a tip to support development.
Easy Setup:
- just enter your BCH address in WP admin panel. That’s all!
- add tip buttons to posts by typing a shortcode: [tippr_button]
- ability to hide content until donation: [tippr_hide]your hidden text[/tippr_hide] – a powerful way to sell digital media such photos, videos, etc…
- automatically insert tip buttons at the end of posts/pages
Advanced Features:
- set limits how many hidden posts new users can view (cookie based)
- customize the text before the buttons
- set daily/weekly/monthly full-access passes for all your hidden content
- setup donation goals for posts to make them fully available for free
- setup expiry times to make old posts available for free
- show ads for users who have made 0 donations
- include a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) faucet on the bottom of the page to increase your revenue and BCH adoption
- show hidden contents to search engines (only hide it with CSS)
- Memcached support for high traffic sites (>50k users daily)
This plugin loads code API code from bitcoin.com to interact with BadgerWallet – a browser extension for BCH payments.
This does not require an account or signup at their service. Their privacy policy is available here: https://www.bitcoin.com/privacy-policy/
Just install it from the WordPress plugin store or upload the cashtippr.zip file via your browser in your WordPress plugin page.
Is this plugin for free?
Yes this plugin is completely free.
- cdde cleanup and fixes
- added adblock detection and option to show another post to adblock users
- added button styling options
- find first empty-balance address when changing xPub using WP cron
- improved payment page UI
- improved REST API stability for payment checks
- added CashP library support for BCH payment address generation using xPub https://github.com/Ekliptor/cashp
- replaced MoneyButton with BadgerWallet
- added support for QR code tips in BCH of non-restricted content (only when USD is selected as currency, more coming later)
- added BCH addresses per WordPress author
- added internal WP hooks in preparation for blurry image addon (and others)
- minor fixes
- show donation progress bar on posts with a donation goal
- option to show donation amoount posts
- added more API functions: cashtippr_button(float $amount = 0.0, $canEdit = false, $beforeBtnText = ”) and cashtippr_button_hide(string $text, int $postID, float $amount = 0.0, $canEdit = false, $beforeBtnText = ”)
- added cashtippr_button(float $amount = 0.0, $canEdit = false) API function to be used within your own plugin code and templates
- initial release fixes
- Initial release.