

This plugin has been closed as of 2024年3月20日 and is not available for download. 原因:違反開發指導原則。


2016年9月3日 1 reply
I’ve been using this plugin on client sites for years. For 99% of businesses, it’s a simple and straightforward way to display your business hours as a widget and dynamically display hours for the current day. Easy to style, easy to add holidays… hard to screw up. Love it!
We’ve been using this plugin for years, and we test it when there is a WordPress update, but it was written well and still works well. We like that it has an exceptions setting, so we can enter holidays and other exceptions to our working hours. As mentioned, this plugin does not handle ‘split hours’ well. If you have opening hours with a lunch break, this could be handled in the message output, such as: [businesshours closed="Today we are closed."]Today we work from {{TodayOpen}} to {{TodayClose}} closed for lunch from 1PM until 2PM[/businesshours] but if your closed period varies from day to day, this will not work for you. Overall, a tight, well written plugin that solves our needs and we’ve been using it for years. Might be time for an update to add some new features though… hint, hint.


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