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Breadcrumb Trail


Breadcrumb Trail is one of the most advanced and robust breadcrumb menu systems available for WordPress. It started out as a small script for basic blogs but has grown into a system that can handle nearly any site’s setup to show the most accurate breadcrumbs for each page.

Before using

Please note that Breadcrumb Trail requires that you understand and know how to edit your theme’s PHP code, at least to the extent of copying and pasting one line of code. If you’re not comfortable doing this, it’s best to ask that your theme author integrate the code necessary to support this plugin.

How it works

This plugin automatically detects your permalink setup and displays breadcrumbs based off that structure. Nearly all sites have some sort of hierarchy. Breadcrumb Trail recognizes that and builds a set of unique breadcrumbs for each page on your site.

This means that it can also detect custom post types and taxonomies right out of the box. Whatever you throw at it, it’s got a solution.


  • Auto-detects the permalink structure of your site for the most accurate breadcrumbs.
  • Hooks for plugin/theme developers to overwrite output.
  • Coded with object-oriented programming (OOP) methods to allow developers to extend it for those highly-custom setups.
  • Properly handles nearly any custom post type or taxonomy.

Professional support

If you need professional plugin support from me, the plugin author, you can join the club at Theme Hybrid, which is a professional WordPress help/support site where I handle support for all my plugins and themes for a community of 75,000+ users (and growing).

Plugin Development

If you’re a theme author, plugin author, or just a code hobbyist, you can follow the development of this plugin on it’s GitHub repository.


Yes, I do accept donations. If you want to donate, you can do so from my donations page or grab me something from my Amazon Wish List.

I appreciate all donations, no matter the size. Further development of this plugin is not contingent on donations, but they are always a nice incentive.


  • Breadcrumbs in Google search results.
  • Date-based permalink structure in breadcrumbs.
  • Custom post type + taxonomy (portfolio).
  • Image attachment of a blog post.


Why was this plugin created?

Many of my theme users had a real need for a functional breadcrumb menu without having to find and test a lot of other plugins. Therefore, I created a breadcrumbs script for those users. Eventually, I decided to package it as a plugin and share it with others.

The plugin is still mostly packaged with themes and is currently being used on millions of WordPress sites.

What’s a breadcrumb menu?

Basically, it’s a navigational tool. On many sites, you’ll see something that looks like this:

You are here: Home > Page > Sub-page > Sub-sub-page

This plugin allows you to easily add this type of menu your site.

How do I add it to my theme?

There are several methods, but in general, you would add the following line of code to your theme. Generally, this goes somewhere near the bottom of your theme’s header.php template. However, you can add it anywhere you want in your theme, and it should work.

<?php if ( function_exists( 'breadcrumb_trail' ) ) breadcrumb_trail(); ?>

To see all methods and options, refer to the readme.md file included with the plugin download. You can also view the readme online.

How do I disable the plugin styles?

You can disable the plugin styles by adding this to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter( 'breadcrumb_trail_inline_style', '__return_false' );

Note that the breadcrumbs will be completely unstyled at this point. You’ll need to add style rules to your theme’s style.css file.

Do breadcrumbs show in Google search results?

Yes, breadcrumbs can show in Google search results. The breadcrumbs are coded in a way that all of the major search engines should be able to recognize them. It is marked up with the appropriate Schema.org properties to make it easier for search engines and other systems to understand.

With that said, it’s still left up to the search provider to actually show the breadcrumbs. Generally, they do show them.

Don’t expect to see breadcrumbs in your search results on the first day either. It may take a bit, depending on how often your Web site is crawled.

What is Schema.org? Microdata?

Microdata is a way to nest metadata into your Web site’s pages. It allows things like search engines and browsers to provide a more useful experience for users. Microdata provides a way for you to describe the “meaning” (i.e., semantics) of specific items on your site by using a standardized vocabulary.

Schema.org is a microdata vocabulary. It is a collaboration by Bing, Google, Yahoo!, and Yandex for creating a set of standardized conventions for using microdata on the Web. With these standards in place, we can make our Web sites’ data more understandable to search engines and browsers while providing a richer experience for users.

Does this help with SEO?

Well, it doesn’t hurt. The way I see it, the more meaningful information you provide to search engines, the more likely you are to rank up. Properly-coded breadcrumbs are just one tool in a gigantic toolbox for building a search-engine optimized site.

The breadcrumbs display the wrong data!

This is rare, especially if you put the code in your header template. However, it can happen on occasion when your theme or another plugin messes with some of WordPress’ global variables but doesn’t set things back properly after doing whatever it is they’re doing.

There’s not really much I can do to correct that within the Breadcrumb Trail plugin. The only thing I could do is help you fix the theme/plugin causing the issue. If this happens, you’ll need to drop by my support forums to get help.


à utiliser sur tous les sites où vous avez la main sur les fichiers du thème bon pour la navigation, bon pour le SEO
Простий, працює з коробки без проблем, легко налаштовується. Мережа сайтів, багатомовні сайти – все чудово.
If you have any knowledge about coding: This is super easy to use, is well-documented (instructions included in the folder, plus a publicly accessible online page with all necessary details), and works flawlessly.
I was in need of this plugin and its really amazing! also working good with my version of Wordpress.
I never had any trouble with this plugin. It works well out of the box and is also easy to style with CSS. Thanks!
This plugin does exactly what I needed. It’s simple to use and easy to customize. Nice work.


“Breadcrumb Trail” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


Breadcrumb Trail 外掛目前已有 9 個本地化語言版本。 感謝所有譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 Breadcrumb Trail 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


Please see the changelog.md file included with the plugin file. Or, you can view the online change log.