這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Branded Admin


Branded Admin is a WordPress plugin designed to give a blog author or designer the ability to change the WordPress Administration section by adding a unique – branded – header and footer. Branding may be important depending on how prevalent the WordPress logo & native branding are to the owner or designer of a site. This plugin is now fully WordPress 2.7.x compliant and recently converted to use jQuery.

Themes API

None Available.


  • Before plugin activation
  • After plugin activation


Upgrading From A Previous Version

To upgrade from a previous version of this plugin, follow the installation instructions below. Allow your FTP client to copy the entire contents of the ZIP file over the top of the plugin in its current location replacing existing files.

Installing The Plugin

Extract all files from the ZIP file, making sure to keep the file structure intact, and then upload the plugin’s folder to /wp-content/plugins/.

This should result in the following file structure:

  • wp-content
    • plugins
      • branded-admin
        | branded-admin.css
        | branded-admin.php
        | readme.txt
        | screenshot-1.png
        | screenshot-2.png

        • images
          | branded-footer.png
          | branded-header.png

Then just visit the Administration Section >> Plugins page – and activate the plugin.

See Also: Installing Plugins” article on the WordPress Codex

Installing The Plugin For WordPress MU



Q) Why do you create such wonderful plugins?

A) For the love of WordPress.


There are no reviews for this plugin.


“Branded Admin” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Branded Admin 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


v1.2 * WordPress 2.7.x capable. Converted to use jQuery. CSS greatly reduced.

v1.1 * WordPress 2.7 rework. Mainly CSS changes to fit the 2.7 style and placement of objects.

v1.0 * Initial release.