這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。


Use the shortcode [blur][/blur] to blur text.

For example:
[blur]This text will be blurred[/blur]

Optionally, you can set the blur to be removed when the user clicks or hovers on it.

Here are the shortcode examples for that:

[blur toggle=click]This text will be blurred until it’s clicked on[/blur]

[blur toggle=hover]This text will be blurred until it’s hovered over[/blur]

Be default, the blurred text color will be black. You can specify a different color like this:

[blur color=orange]This text will be orange, even when blurred.[/blur]

[blur color=#00FF00]This text will be green, even when blurred.[/blur]

This plugin uses the CSS3 feature “text-shadow” to create the blur and a transparent color font. This plugin only works with the following browsers:
Firefox 3.5+
Chrome 4+
Safari 4+
Opera 9.6+

This plugin allows you to choose what should be done on unsupported browsers. There are currently 3 choices:
1) blackout – This makes the background color the same color as the text (default)
2) none – This doesn’t change the text at all.
3) hide – The text will not be shown on unsupported browsers.

The fallback is specified like this:

[blur fallback=blackout color=red]This text will have a solid red background on unsupported browsers.[/blur]

[blur toggle=click fallback=hide]If you are using IE or another unsupported browser, you will not see this text.[/blur]


  • An example of blurred text.
  • An example of blackout text on unsupported browsers.


  1. Install the plugin in wp-content\plugins
  2. Activate the Plugin
  3. Use one of these shortcodes around your text:
    [blur toggle=click][/blur]
    [blur toggle=hover][/blur]


Can I have the blurred text revealed only to members, only after a form is submitted, or in some other context?

I may write a premium plugin that has these features. However, I need suggestions as to exactly what type of features I
should add. If you would like me to customize this plugin for you so that it shows the blurred text only in a
specific context, I may be albe to program a custom plugin for you. Please contact me at http://www.linsoftware.com/contact/


“Click” set default would be better, no toggle=click: [blur]This text will be blurred until it’s clicked on[/blur]
2016年9月3日 1 reply
I found it great and useful. Easy and flexible, I guess u can do a lot of things with it, its so open to the imagination. It could be so useful in education to help etudents to improve their leaning and understanding skills. I will use it in deep to make learning exercices, quizes and so at my high schoool http://www.ohtiana.link and http://www.comprensionlectora.com Maybe the chance to “no more see” the text after the user see it one time could be an useful addon… Realy thank you so much.


“Blur Text” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


將 Blur Text 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版。


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


1.0.0: September 2015

  • First official release!