Blocks Monster is the #1 library of reusable blocks with 2,562+ downloads 🚀
How to use
- Install the Blocks Monster plugin.
- Go to the Gutenberg editor.
- Add a new block.
Bug reports
Bug reports for “Blocks Monster” are welcomed in WordPress support forum.
Further reading
For more info check out the following:
- The blocks.monster official website 📌
- The Contact us 👋
- All other my WordPress plugins 💎
- Contribute with plugin contact us ✨
This plugin provides 25 blocks.
- Apple App Store Button Allow user to add Apple App Store Button.
- Button Allow to create a button for the content.
- Emoji Allow to create a emoji for the content.
- Posts Query Posts Query
- Image A simple image block.
- Google Play Store Button Allow user to add Google Play Store Button.
- Section Allow to create a section for the content.
- Copy to Clipboard Allow user to copy text to clipboard.
- Text A simple text block.
- Terms List Display a list of terms.
- Logo A simple logo block.
- Logo A simple site logo block.
- Site Title A simple site title block.
- Term Title Display the title of the term.
- Social Share Allow user to share content on social media.
- Form A simple form block.
- Post Template Add a post template to the content.
- Site Tagline A simple site tagline block.
- Heading A simple heading block.
- Group Allow to create a group for the content.
- Column Allow to create a column for the content.
- Form Input A simple form input block.
- Query Add a query to the content.
- Icon Icon block for Blocks Monster
- Post Title A block to display the post title.
- Install the
Blocks Monster
plugin either via the WordPress plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server atwp-content/plugins
There are no reviews for this plugin.
- New: Added the click interaction support for the Button block.
- New: Added the ‘Form’ Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the ‘Form Input’ Gutenberg block.
- New: Allow to copy settings support for the box model control.
- New: Allow to copy settings support for the typography control.
- Improvement: Allow to increase/decrease or update value on click or drag on input.
- Improvement: Updated the block control styling.
- Improvement: Added sync support for the dimentions control.
- Improvement: Added remove color support for Linear gradient in background control.
- Improvement: Added remove color support for Angular gradient in background control.
- Improvement: Added remove color support for Radial gradient in background control.
- Fixed: Box shadow not works due to missing unit.
- Fixed: After duplicate block the unique ID also duplicate.
- Fixed: Linear gradient not works in the background control.
- Fixed: Angular gradient not works in the background control.
- Fixed: Radial gradient not works in the background control.
- Deperecated: Removed the ‘Active’ state control.
- New: Added the “Query” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Post Template” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Post Title” Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added WordPress 6.7.2 compatibility.
- New: Added the “Group” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Site Logo” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Site Tagline” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Site Title” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Logo” Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Improved the UI design for the Section block.
- Improvement: Added a default placeholder image for the Image block.
- Improvement: Added link, and target support for the Button block.
- Improvement: Allow new block after press enter in text, and heading block.
- Improvement: Show the selected and hovered block in the editor.
- New: Added the “Emoji” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Column” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Button” Gutenberg block.
- Fix: On duplicate block the unique ID also duplicate.
- Improvement: Added placeholder support for the section block to add different column layouts.
- Improvement: Use the
and type space to add the Section block in editor.
- Fixed: Flex box control css not works.
- New: Added the “Icon” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Heading” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Text” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Image” Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Sidebar control icons, and UI, and performance optimized.
- Improvement: Release of Controls version 1.0.4.
- Improvement: Added auto suggest support for most of the controls.
- Improvement: Added Animation control support for Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Updated the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the transition control support for Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the transform support for Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the pointer events control support for Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the cursor control support for Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the background blur control support for Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the layer blur control support for Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the opacity control support for Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the box shadow control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the background control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the typography control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the border radius control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the box sizing control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the box model control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Updated the UI design for the state, and responsive control.
- Improvement: Added the dimentions (width, height) control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the position control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the sides (top, right, bottom, and left) control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the z-index control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added the Flex Box control support for the Section Gutenberg block.
- New: Added “Section” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added “Apple App Store Button” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added “Google Play Store Button” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added position control support for the Gutenberg blocks.
- Improvement: Responsive control for the Gutenberg blocks.
- Improvement: Added “Copy to Clipboard” Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added “Social Share” Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Added block link support for the post content block.
- Improvement: Added heading block variations for Gutenberg.
- Improvement: Added “Responsive” option for Gutenberg blocks to hide on mobile, tablet, or desktop.
- Improvement: Added compatibility with WordPress 6.6.1.
- New: Added the “Posts List” Gutenberg block.
- New: Added the “Terms List” Gutenberg block.
- Improvement: Fixed the link for the Elementor pricing widget not works.
- New: Added the “Post List” Elementor widget.
- New: Added the “Term Title” Elementor widget.
- New: Added the “Logo” Elementor widget.
- New: Added the “Navigation Menu” Elementor widget.
- New: Added the “Taxonomy Posts Grid” Elementor widget.
- New: Added the “Table” Elementor widget.
- Initial release.