Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks


Blocks Animation allows you to add CSS Animations to all of your Gutenberg blocks in the most elegant way.

The UI for Blocks Animation feels so native and intuitive, you won’t even notice it’s installed. Just install, and you will see animation settings in all the blocks, right in the Block Settings Sidebar.


  • Block Animations


2024年11月10日 1 reply
Have had no issues with it at all, and the animations are really fun to add a more dynamic look to the site!
2024年11月6日 1 reply
I’ve been confused firstly. This plugin didn’t work. I added effects but nothing. I searched pair of days the reason. And I found. In Windows I always set off graphical options. If you have the same trouble then in Windows settings\Visual effects you must set on Animate control elements inside windows.When I set on that setting everything became Ok!
2024年9月25日 1 reply
great! makes the site liveley 🙂
2024年9月23日 1 reply
Missing easing functions, but it’s cool, I use it in my projects.


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