這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Automatic Subdomains


The purpose of this plugin is to facilitate deployment of subdomain links to
landing pages on a WordPress website. The plugin automatically maps subdomains
to page and post permalinks based on the post_name field in the database.
There are no administrative settings.

This plugin DOES NOT edit DNS zone files. Subdomain DNS records themselves
either need to be set up individually or as a wildcard record in the DNS zone
file to map to the website directory. Once the request reaches the WordPress
system, the plugin will automatically check to see if the subdomain matches a
page or post name. If so, the WordPress query is edited to get that page/post
at its permalink. The WordPress siteurl is excluded, as is the naked
second-level domain.

Example mappings:

URL → Mapping
http://example.com → default homepage (no remapping)
http://www.example.com → default homepage (no remapping)
http://test-page.example.com → example.com/test-page/
http://mypost.example.com → example.com/mypost/


  1. Upload the automatic-subdomains directory to the /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.


Does this plugin edit my domain’s DNS zone file?

No. You must first edit your zone file to create the subdomains or a wildcard
subdomain to resolve to your WordPress site.

Must I have certain permalink settings?

No. You may use any permalink settings.

To what page/post will my subdomain map?

Subdomains will map to pages and posts based on the post_name field in the
database. The subdomain must match the post_name exactly in order to map, or
it will redirect to the homepage.

What if I have a fourth, fifth, etc. level domain?

The mapping will be made based on the deepest (left-most) element of the full
domain name.


There are no reviews for this plugin.


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  • Bug Fix: Fixes potential compatibility issue with other plugins.


  • Bug Fix: Fixes potential redirect loop issue.


  • Rewrite to rely on post_name instead of page-name and name.
  • Fixed bug causing child level pages not to map appropriately.


  • Initial launch.