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Auto Delete User


Auto Delete User plugin will delete your users automaticly according to the user roles and days you will set in the plugin settings. E.g If you have set the subcriber user role to get auto delete after 4 days then this plugin will wipe out all the subscriber users. You can set the settings in the Users -> Auto Delete User .

Warning: We highly recommend that you use this plugin on your Dev server first and please take a fullback up of your site before installing any plugin. SO if in case anything goes wrong, you will have your backup of your site.After installing the plugin, If everything works as you expected after then move it to the live site because we will not be responsible for any loss of your data.


  • Auto Delete User Settings
  • Adding User role and days
  • Listing of users to be delete according to User roles.


First Method

  1. Click on “Plugins” from WordPress admin.

  2. Click on “Add New” from plugin’s options.

  3. In the search option, type ‘Auto Delete User’.

  4. Click install and activate the plugin.

  5. Done.

Second Method

  1. Download the plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/auto-delete-user

  2. Save the zip file to your local computer and unzip it.

  3. Connect the ftp or cpanel for the site.

  4. Upload the plugin to wp-content/plugins folder.

  5. Activate it from admin panel of site.

  6. Done.


Do you provide support?

Yes, We do. Please try to leave bugs or issues in the support section.

Do this plugin support custom role

Yes, if you have made your own custom role or made by any other plugin then this plugin will show you your custom role. If you cant find your custom role , please feel free to contact us anytime.

Can we add different days for different roles

Yes, you can add , e.g. you can 4 days for subscriber role and 7 days for author role.


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“Auto Delete User” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。


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  • Initial release.