這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Affiliates Formidable


This plugin integrates Affiliates, Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise with Formidable Forms and Formidable Pro.

This integration features:
– Affiliates can sign up through forms handled with Formidable Forms.
– Form submissions that are referred through affiliates, can grant commissions to affiliates and record referral details.




  1. Install and activate Formidable Forms version 2 or later.
  2. Install and activate Affiliates or Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise.
  3. Install and activate this integration plugin Affiliates Formidable.
  4. Use form actions to enable affiliate registration and/or affiliate commissions through referrals for desired forms. Please refer to the documentation for details.

Note that you can install the plugins from your WordPress installation directly: use the Add new option found in the Plugins menu.
You can also upload and extract them in your site’s /wp-content/plugins/ directory or use the Upload option.


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  • WordPress 5.x compatible.
  • Added support for rate formulas (requires Affiliates Pro >= 4.x or Affiliates Enterprise >= 4.x).


  • Affiliates, Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise 2.x and 3.x compatible.
  • WordPress 4.9 compatible.
  • Now you can configure custom values per forms.
  • Added the option to register affiliates throw forms.
  • Fixed get_entry_meta_info() deprecated notice.