這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Advanced Custom Fields – Contact Form 7 Field


Adds a ‘Contact Form 7’ field type for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin.

Store one or multiple contact forms in an advanced custom field.

Mark one or more forms as disabled to prevent them from being selected.

Field is returned as Contact Form 7 markup

Compatible with both ACF V3 & V4


  • Contact Form 7 field options
  • Selecting multiple Contact Forms
  • Selecting a single Contact Form


This add-on can be treated as both a WP plugin and a theme include.

Install as Plugin
Copy the ‘acf-cf7’ folder into your plugins folder
Activate the plugin via the Plugins admin page

Include within theme
Copy the ‘acf-cf7’ folder into your theme folder (can use sub folders). You can place the folder anywhere inside the ‘wp-content’ directory
Edit your functions.php file and add the code below (Make sure the path is correct to include the acf-cf7.php file)

add_action('acf/register_fields', 'my_register_fields');

function my_register_fields()


Installation Instructions

This add-on can be treated as both a WP plugin and a theme include.

Install as Plugin
Copy the ‘acf-cf7’ folder into your plugins folder
Activate the plugin via the Plugins admin page

Include within theme
Copy the ‘acf-cf7’ folder into your theme folder (can use sub folders). You can place the folder anywhere inside the ‘wp-content’ directory
Edit your functions.php file and add the code below (Make sure the path is correct to include the acf-cf7.php file)

add_action('acf/register_fields', 'my_register_fields');

function my_register_fields()




“Advanced Custom Fields – Contact Form 7 Field” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。



1.1.0 – Added the ability to hide/show disabled forms on the select area.