AddSearch Site Search plugin replaces the standard WordPress search with a lightning-fast search that gives you accurate results instantly. And when we say instant, we mean that literally: you get results even with the first character, giving your search a polished, high-end feel and responsive performance.
No coding required. Installing the plugin takes minutes: just copy one line of text, and you’re done.
Design customization. With a few simple CSS tweaks, you can adjust the look and feel of the search to match your website style.
Misspellings. ddSearch understands what your visitors search even if they make a typo.
Ranking control. Decide which pages and areas are more important than others.
Search statistics. You get full statistics on search behavior incl. most popular searches and searches with no results or clicks. You can also integrate your search analytics with Google Analytics.
Automatic content updates. AddSearch recrawls your site automatically and adds new content to the search.
PDFs, DOCs, and PPTs. Your search can provide PDFs, MS Word, and PowerPoint documents in the results.
Mobile-friendly. AddSearch’s UI adapts to any device, including desktops, tablets, and phones. You don’t need to do anything for full mobile support, even if your site isn’t responsive or mobile.
Language support. AddSearch works with any language.
Read Product Overview to know all the capabilities of AddSearch.
Find inspiration from our customer gallery and learn about limitless design possibilities.
To get started, follow our instructions on (how to install AddSearch on WordPress)[https://www.addsearch.com/docs/installation/installing-addsearch-plugin-on-wordpress-website/?utm_campaign=Wordpress%20Plugin&utm_source=wordpress_plugin].
We’re developing AddSearch constantly, and welcome any feedback or suggestions. Please email us at support@addsearch.com
Try AddSearch for free for 14 days. Pricing starts at $29.00 per month. You can learn more about our pricing here.
Installing AddSearch is very simple and takes only a few minutes. Follow these instructions:
- Sign-Up for AddSearch Trial using your WordPress email
- When prompted by the installation wizard, click index my website and choose set up crawling option in the next step
- Enter the URL for your website on the next step and click begin crawling
- Open the AddSearch dashboard, go to Setup Keys and Installation and copy your public site key under Your Site Key
- Install and activate the AddSearch plugin from the WordPress admin interface
- Paste the Site Key in Settings AddSearch and click Save
- Select whether you want to use search-as-you-type search widget (default), or separate results page
- Test your website and see if the search is working
- If you see the AddSearch bar being displayed in bottom left corner it means search is not enabled in your theme. Go to your theme settings and
enable search - You can also add
shortcode to anyplace where you want to place the search bar
Now you should have AddSearch as your main search on the website. If your theme has search somewhere else, it will automatically be replaced by AddSearch.
For more details, follow out instructions on how to install AddSearch on WordPress.
Please note that Gutenberg plug-in search component is not automatically replaced with AddSearch Search component. We advise Gutenberg users to use the [addsearch]
If you run into any trouble, send us an email at support@addsearch.com and we will get back within the next day.
For questions and answers, please visit our documentation.
- Tested with WP 6.6.2
- Issues with release – rolling back 2.2.2, fixed here.
- Fixed an issue with the plugin and the WordPress Admin Dashboard’s Pages search function
- Added filter by language setting
- Added support for block themes
- Changed the way the widget id parameter is set on result page and widget
- Fixed shortcode not working with separate results page
- Added new settings for widget size, grid and list view and light and dark themes
- Upgraded to new V5 of the search-as-you-type widget with auto-alignment and other improvements
- Added settings to hide the AddSearch logo and to enable support for Google Analytics
- Fixed an issue with the search-as-you-type widget and Avada theme
- Fixed an issue where addsearch shortcode would not work for search results on the Separate Results Page
- Allow the search results page to be taken control of by the plugin
- Plugin now cleans up after itself on uninstall
- Add support for new version of the search script
- Customisable configuration for search as you type widget and search results page
- Updated WP compatibility information
- Fixed issue with Compatibility check for PHP
- Update version number
- Fix multisite compatibility
- Update version number
- Update version number
- Updated readme files
- Fix compability with different PHP versions
- Updated readme files
- Fix assets location
- New icons
- Update version number to plugin
- Update list of contributors
- Update list of contributors
- Search results page
- Fix: Security update for XSS security flaw.
- Everything is build again from ground up
- First version, AddSearch Widget
- Initial release