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Ace Twilio For Woocommerce


This plugin enables the automatic sending of SMS notifications when a user places an order. Upon order placement, the plugin ensures that the user receives timely updates via SMS, providing a convenient way to stay informed about their purchase. In addition to the SMS functionality, the plugin also plays a crucial role in keeping users informed about the status of their orders.


  • Trigger an SMS confirmation immediately upon successful order placement.
  • Include crucial details like the order number, items purchased, and an acknowledgment of the successful transaction.


  • Settings – After installation and activation , select ‘Ace Twilio Woo’ option for Twilio Settings


  1. Navigate to the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  2. Search for “Ace Twilio for WooCommerce.”
  3. Click “Install.”
  4. After installation, click “Activate.”
  5. You will now find the Ace Twilio menu in the sidebar, where you can add it to your page or post.


Can we choose statuses to send SMS notifications?

Yes, you can select from the ‘Send SMS Notifications for these statuses’ checkbox options to make your choices.

Where can I report a bug?

You can report bugs, suggest ideas, and participate in development by emailing us at developer@acewebx.com.


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