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Abacus Menu Sync For Woo by App Domain


Get your API key here. Then set it up in your setting and press the sync menu button. That’s all! your products list is ready!

– Multi styles
– Get all products and categories and list them in WooCommerce


Activating the WooCommerce Abacus Menu Sync plugin is just like any other plugin. If you’ve uploaded the plugin package to your server already, skip to step 5 below:

  1. In your WordPress admin, go to Plugins > Add New
  2. In the Search field type “WooCommerce Abacus Menu Sync”
  3. Under “WooCommerce Abacus Menu Sync” click the Install Now link
  4. Once the process is complete, click the Activate Plugin link
  5. Now, you’re able to use WooCommerce Abacus Menu Sync and set it up. It can be found on the setting menu on the dashboard panel.
  6. Insert your API key and store ID. ( Which you’ve got through submitting the form)
  7. Sync the Menu to retrieve all categories and products – It takes a couple of minutes.


How I can have API Key and Store Id

You can have your unique API key by submitting the form here. Then you will recieve an Email containing your API key and store ID.

What can I do with this plugin

All the products and categories that are available in Abacus will be loaded on your website.

How can I update my products and categories

After setting up the API key and store Id, you will press the sync menu button to get the very latest menu options.


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“Abacus Menu Sync For Woo by App Domain” 是一個開源的軟體。以下的人對這個外掛作出了貢獻。




  • First version of the plugin